I am finally going to start discussing Ann Curry’s links. I am going to give a brief over view as to what each other sites provide. Today’s website is Africare.
Africare does not specifically concentrate on Darfur; they are an organization that has been helping the general devastations to the African continent. They focus their attentions on strengthening and helping to maintain the supply of food, security, agriculture, and health, specifically HIV and AIDS.
Some pretty impressive statistics from the website follow:
“Africare now reaches families and communities in 25 countries in every major region of Sub-Saharan Africa, from Senegal to South Africa and from Chad to Mozambique.
Since its founding in 1970, Africare has delivered more than $590 million in assistance — over 2,000 projects — to 36 countries Africa-wide.”
Africare also has a special section and project dedicated to AIDS/HIV. This section gives an overview of what Africare is doing and in what areas. There is a map with highlighted countries that Africare has established projects fighting AIDS/HIV. There are also other links specifically within this section, including links to articles, success stories and history of the project.
The website also allows you to help donate. Not only that, but there are links to specific projects that you can help donate too. I really like this aspect of how they broke it down. The links, located with information about each program, read as follows:
“We invite you to explore the opportunities to help Africare meet the complex needs of the emerging nations of Africa. Here's how you can —
Combat AIDS
Reach out to Africa's children
Offer help where it is needed most
Join Africare as a Life Member
Become a Corporate Partner of Africare
Make a planned gift that will help for years to come
Attend the annual Africare Bishop Walker Dinner in Washington, D.C.”
Throughout the website there are also articles that discuss the progress that is being made.
This section gives statistical information about Sudan and the work being done by Africare there. This feature is available for all the countries Africare is doing work in.
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