Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sending in the check..

I finally got my change in the form of a money order. I am sending out the check with a letter I wrote immediately following this blog post. Pictured above are my letter and the check. I wanted to share with everyone my letter, so that's what the following excerpt is.

"To the Save Darfur Coalition,

My name is Melissa Leiter. I am a sophomore journalism major at Northeastern University in Boston, Mass. As a journalist I want to travel to countries suffering from social and political atrocities and write about them. I want to bring awareness to the world on a level that people can understand. I feel that the Save Darfur Coalition does the same thing.

Starting in mid-January, I started my own fundraiser for your group. I had all my friends and family collect their spare change until Valentine’s Day. On Valentine’s Day I collected everyone’s change and rolled it and cashed it into this check. I am sure you can find a better use for my friend’s and family’s change than they or I can. I was very impressed at the total I received and how much the people in my life were more willing to donate due to the cause.

I also have a blog for an online journalism class I’m taking. My blog is called, “Darfur is Dying.” I frequently post about your website and about the updates the Save Darfur Coalition sends me. The perspective of my blog is that of a college student’s who wants to be more involved in what’s happening. I think it’s too bad that reports about Darfur aren’t reaching us through the media channels that college students get. I find that often college students can be more willing to get involved and would be more willing to help out, if half of them only knew where Darfur was and what was going on there.

Anyway, I hope that my check helps out and that you find good use for it. I will continue to look forward to your e-mails!"

Again, big thanks to everyone who donated!

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